A Tale of Two Buttons

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A little context for this meme. There is a big controversy in the realm of cybersecurity about the branding of vulnerabilities. Basically, the contenders for branding- which includes giving the vulnerability in question a cute name and its own logo- say that branding helps to raise awareness of a vulnerability so that it will be addressed sooner, help buyers be more aware of potential dangers in the software and sites they purchase or visit, and helps change the CVE-some-number official name into something easier to talk about. Opponents of branding counter that taking the time to brand takes away time to try and resolve an issue, non-official names can be easily mixed up (some take the same names!), making hackers more aware of the vulnerability, and the hype makes the cybersecurity community more suspicious that this is an actual problem and not just a marketing scheme to sell more products.

Anyway, without further ado:

Swing by next Wednesday for another random lesson and so-so meme!

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Swing by next Wednesday for another random lesson and so-so meme!

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